Exploring the 2-2-3 Custody Schedule: Pros and Cons

The 2-2-3 custody schedule involves the child spending two days with one parent, two days with the other parent, and three days with the first parent.

This schedule allows for frequent exchanges between parents, which can be beneficial for children who need consistency and stability.

However, the frequent exchanges can also be disruptive and stressful for children, especially if they have to switch schools or activities frequently.

The 2-2-3 schedule can also be challenging for parents who live far apart or have demanding work schedules.

Parents who choose this schedule should have a strong co-parenting relationship and be willing to communicate effectively and make compromises.

It is important to consider the child's age, temperament, and developmental needs when choosing a custody schedule.

Ultimately, the best custody schedule is one that meets the child's needs and allows both parents to have a meaningful relationship with their child.

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